If you're a subscriber to our Exchange E-mail Hosting solution, you can follow these steps to setup your Exchange E-Mail account in Entourage 2008 Web Services Edition (EWS).
- Before beginning, make sure you have the latest update for Microsoft Office 2008. You can use built-in Microsoft AutoUpdate utility or visit this link to download the latest update directly from Microsoft.
- After obtaining the latest update for Microsoft Office, you'll need to update Microsoft Entourage 2008 to the "Web Services Edition" by downloading and installing this update (link). (NOTE: If you are having trouble installing the Web Services Edition Update, click here to view a list of all Web Services Edition Update packages and select the one that corresponds to your edition of Microsoft Office.)
- Open Entourage and verify the opening splash screen has the words "WEB SERVICES EDITION" below the "Entourage:mac 2008" product title (Figure 1). If it does not, see the prerequisites section above.
- From the main menu at the top of the screen, select "Entourage" and then "Account Settings..." (Figure 2)
- Press the "New" button to open the Account Setup Assistant. (Figure 3)
- Enter your full e-mail address in the field and make sure the "My account is on an Exchange service" check box is selected; then press the Next arrow. (Figure 4)
- A message will pop-up asking you if you'd like to Deny or Allow settings configuration. Put a check mark in the "Always use my response for this server" and press "Allow" (Figure 5)
- In the Account Information box that pops up, enter your full e-mail address in the "Account ID" box and your password in the "Password" box. Leave the Domain box empty. Put a check mark in the "Save password in my Mac OS keychain" if you'd like it to remember your password. (Figure 6)
- The next thing you should see is a message telling you that the settings were successfully determined. Press the Next arrow to continue.
- On page 4 of the Account Setup Assistant, the settings will be summarized. Press the Next arrow.
- The last screen will allow you to optionally verify settings if you'd like. It is suggested that you skip this step, as sometimes it reports errors even though everything was setup correctly. Click the Next arrow and press the "Skip" button. On the final page (page 5) optionally rename the account and press the "Finish" button.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5: