Note: For the Mobile Transfer Service to work, the option “Ring my extension and my mobile at the same time” must be enabled in the extension’s properties.

This service provides the ability to make transfers using DTMF inputs so you can effectively make transfers from your mobile phone. Available only in CCE or 3CXPSPROF Edition.

Feature 1: HOLD

While in a call press *80 – This will put the current call on hold.

Feature 2: UN-HOLD

Press *81 – this will un-hold a current held call.

Feature 3: Blind Transfer to an Extension

Press *82# number/extension # – This will make a blind transfer of your current call to the extension or number that you want to.

Example: Transfer a call to extension 105 or an external number 099219095 where 0 is the outbound rule for the call to go out via PSTN.

Dial *82#105# OR *82#099219095# – This will make a blind transfer (*82) of your current PBX call to the dialed extension (105) or number (099219095). Your mobile will disconnect from the call and the PBX call will be connected to 105 or 099219095 respectively.

Feature 4: Attended Transfer

1) Press *83# number/extension # that you want to transfer the call to

2) *84 to complete transfer once the recipient answers

Example: When you are in a call press *83#105# – This will put the current call (from the PBX) on hold and make a new call to 105. When 105 answers announce the call to the recipient and dial *84. The 3CX PBX will join the previous held call with 105 and disconnect you from both calls.

Feature 5: Conference

You can now create 3 way conferences using the Mobile Agent Service from your mobile phone. To create a 3 way conference follow the next steps:

  1. Answer the incoming call from the PBX
  2. Press *83#number/extension# to put the current call on hold and call that number
  3. Once the number/extension is picked up dial *85. This will un-hold your previous held call, keep your mobile connected, and blind transfer the previously held call to the number that you dialed in step 2 thus creating a conference with 3 people
Example: accept incoming call and make a 3 way conference with number 105.

Answer incoming PBX call. Dial on your phone’s keypad *83#105# (this will put the previous call on hold and dial 105)

When 105 answers dial *85 to create a conference between 105, you, and the call you answered at step 1.